UIView’s property: frame, bounds, center.
frame = bounds + center.
If v2 is a subview of v1, then to center v2 within v1 you could say:
v2.center = v1.convertPoint(v1.center, fromView:v1.superview)
TraitCollection and its four properties: displayScale, userInterfaceIdiom, horizontalSizeClass, verticalSizeClass.
Layout is performed in three primary ways: Manual layout, Autoresizing, Autolayout.
Autoseizing is a matter of conceptually assigning a subview “Springs and struts”, A Spring can stretch; a strut can’t.
Autoresizing is simply to set autoresizingMask in code.
There are three ways to write autolayout code: NSLayoutConstraint, Anchor notation and visual format notation.